Episode 1: Community and History
Kimberly Allotey, Layla Haynor, and Kenatu Habetaslassa discuss the history of who was in the community, the El Paseo Community Garden, and the City of Chicago’s (El) Paseo Trail Project. We share our personal experiences at the garden and our research concerning the demographic data of Pilsen residents and ongoing creation of the trail while discussing the greater implications for all of the changes in the community.
Episode 2: Impact of Gentrification
Priya Rawal, Tori Choo, and Sofia Johansson discuss the history of gentrification in Pilsen, current housing policies and demographic trends, community opinion, and perspectives from garden members. Highlighted in this podcast are conversations with Daisy Morales (a garden member and senior Pilsen resident), Paula Acevedo (co-manager of El Paseo Community Garden), and Javier Ruiz (Pilsen Alliance).
Episode 3: Role of Community Gardens
Tejas Balaji and Gavin Atack discuss the current and historic role of community gardens in the US environmental movement. We provide a historical overview of the environmental movement and the role community gardens have played, after which we describe four community gardens in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood. Finally, we analyze environmental justice issues that both Pilsen and Chicago as a whole face today.
Episode 4: Murals
Kira Davis, Iselle Diaz, and Kimberly Allotey discuss the El Abrazo mural in the El Paseo Community Garden as well as the history of murals in Pilsen. We examine the influences of the Chicano movement as well as community organization surrounding local murals, painting a picture of the themes consistent throughout Pilsen artwork.